Метка - Argentina
Shaping the Political Arena: Critical Junctures, the Labor Movement and Regime Dynamics in Latin America (Kellogg Inst Int"l S)
EAN 9780268017729 42.86 USD -
Uttermost Part of the Earth
EAN 9781585679560 34.40 USD -
Facundo: Or, Civilization and Barbarism (Penguin Classics)
EAN 9780140436778 13.93 USD -
The Falklands War Then and Now
EAN 9781870067713 -
Freud in the Pampas: The Emergence and Development of a Psychoanalytic Culture in Argentina, 1910-1983
EAN 9780804740609 29.37 USD -
And the Money Kept Rolling in (And Out): Wall Street, the Imf, And the Bankrupting of Argentina
EAN 9781586483814 16.96 USD -
Born in Blood & Fire – A Concise History of Latin America
EAN 9780393050486 29.66 USD -
Watchdog Journalism in South America – News, Accountability, & Democracy
EAN 9780231119757 33.49 USD -
EAN 9781844158881 22.90 USD -
Evita: The Real Lives of Eva Peron
EAN 9780233051239 -
Shipwrecks in Cape Horn: Isla De Los Estados, Magallanes, Mitre Peninsula, Malvinas and South Georgia
EAN 9781879568778 18.95 USD -
Birds of Argentina & Uruguay: A Field Guide / Guia para la identificacion de las aves de Argentina-Uruguay
EAN 9789879132272 116.95 USD -
Monsters of Patagonia
EAN 9789871468218 23.70 USD -
Postmemories of Terror: A New Generation Copes with the Legacy of the \"Dirty War\" (Palgrave Studies in Oral History)
EAN 9781403964656 30.14 USD