Метка - Naval Operations
The Battle of Hampton Roads: New Perspectives on the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia (Marine\"s Museum)
EAN 9780823224814 27.97 USD -
Blue & Gray Navies: The Civil War Afloat
EAN 9781591148821 33.22 USD -
Le Roy Fitch: The Civil War Career of a Union River Gunboat Commander
EAN 9780786429752 35.00 USD -
Lincoln"s Man in Liverpool: Consul Dudley and the Legal Battle to Stop Confederate Warships
EAN 9780875803739 25.91 USD -
Strangling the Confederacy: Coastal Operations in the American Civil War
EAN 9781935149248 32.95 USD -
Bluejackets in the Blubber Room: A Biography of the William Badger, 1828-1865
EAN 9780817317799 33.20 USD -
The Confederate Navy: A Pictorial History
EAN 9780306804885 20.00 USD -
Diary of a Contraband: The Civil War Passage of a Black Sailor
EAN 9780804747080 27.50 USD -
Lincoln and His Admirals
EAN 9780195310221 69.33 USD -
A Most Fortunate Ship: A Narrative History of Old Ironsides
EAN 9781557505880 39.95 USD -
Now for the Contest: Coastal and Oceanic Naval Operations in the Civil War (Great Campaigns of the Civil War)
EAN 9780803238619 37.95 USD -
Point of Honor: The Continuing Exploits of Lt. Peter Wake United States Navy (The Honor Series)
EAN 9781561642700 19.95 USD -
Gray Phantoms of the Cape Fear : Running the Civil War Blockade
EAN 9780895872135 14.95 USD -
Union Combined Operations in the Civil War (The North\"s Civil War)
EAN 9780823232864 67.86 USD