Метка - Gravity
Modern Canonical Quantum General Relativity (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics)
EAN 9780521741873 77.99 USD -
An old man\"s toy: Gravity at work and play in Einstein\"s universe
EAN 9780026334402 -
\"Nature and the Greeks\" and \"Science and Humanism\" (Canto original series)
EAN 9780521575508 34.68 USD -
Differential Geometry, Gauge Theories, and Gravity (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics)
EAN 9780521378215 59.06 USD -
General Relativity, Astrophysics, and Cosmology (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library)
EAN 9780387406282 95.11 USD -
A First Course in Loop Quantum Gravity
EAN 9780199590759 59.22 USD -
The Physical Basis of The Direction of Time (The Frontiers Collection)
EAN 9783642087608 58.45 USD -
Loops, Knots, Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics)
EAN 9780521654753 71.31 USD -
Should the Laws of Gravitation be Reconsidered?: The Scientific Legacy of Maurice Allais
EAN 9780986492655 4.95 USD -
The Large, the Small and the Human Mind
EAN 9780521563307 25.99 USD -
Theory and Experiment in Gravitational Physics, Revised Edition
EAN 9780521439732 76.28 USD -
Classical Field Theory (Dover Books on Physics)
EAN 9780486462608 16.21 USD -
Space-Time Reference Systems (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library)
EAN 9783642302251 93.67 USD -
Noncommutative Geometry: Lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Martina Franca, Italy, September 3-9, 2000 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics / C.I.M.E. Foundation Subseries)
EAN 9783540203575 74.88 USD