Метка - MySQL
MySQL, Second Edition (Visual QuickStart Guide)
EAN 9780321375735 28.54 USD -
Core Web Application Development with PHP and MySQL (Core)
EAN 9780131867161 56.26 USD -
The Definitive Guide to MySQL 5
EAN 9781590595350 59.85 USD -
MySQL Crash Course (Sams Teach Yourself in 10 Minutes)
EAN 9780672327124 28.20 USD -
Dynamic Web Application Development Using PHP and MySQL (+ CD-ROM)
EAN 9781844807536 84.80 USD -
Wiley PHP5 and MySQL Bible
EAN 9780764557460 46.56 USD -
Packt MySQL Admin Cookbook
EAN 9781847197962 62.24 USD -
Wiley Developing Web Applications with Apache, MySQL, memcached, and Perl
EAN 9780470414644 61.77 USD -
Wiley Expert PHP and MySQL
EAN 9780470563120 52.49 USD -
Packt Mastering phpMyAdmin 3.3.x for Effective MySQL Management
EAN 9781849513548 48.76 USD -
O"Reilly High Performance MySQL, Second Edition
EAN 9780596101718 45.74 USD -
O"Reilly Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript
EAN 9780596157135 31.99 USD -
For Dummies PHP and MySQL, 4th Edition
EAN 9780470527580 26.72 USD