Метка - Social Psychology & Interactions
Жизнь соло. Новая социальная реальность
EAN 9780143122777 10.87 USD -
Whistling Vivaldi – How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do
EAN 9780393339727 15.23 USD -
Social Psychology
EAN 9780078035296 187.63 USD -
Guided Imagery for Groups: Fifty Visualizations That Promote Relaxation, Problem-Solving, Creativity, and Well-Being
EAN 9781570250668 25.20 USD -
Friendship (Vices and Virtues)
EAN 9780300175356 21.69 USD -
Our Sexuality
EAN 9781133943419 185.12 USD -
Why Love Hurts: A Sociological Explanation
EAN 9780745661520 50.84 USD -
Life Code 2014 Day-to-Day Calendar
EAN 9781449449698 14.99 USD -
Mindfulness (A Merloyd Lawrence Book)
EAN 9780201523416 13.78 USD -
Social Beings: Core Motives in Social Psychology
EAN 9780470129111 93.76 USD -
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
EAN 9780812981605 13.79 USD -
The Social Animal
EAN 9781429203166 -
Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts
EAN 9780156033909 11.85 USD -
Social Psychology (Third Edition)
EAN 9780393138481 117.54 USD