Метка - Kuwait
The Persian War from the Histories
EAN 9789626340844 22.98 USD -
Mr.: A Collection of Documents
EAN 9780815670551 16.90 USD -
The Baghdad Pact: Anglo-American Defence Policies in the Middle East, 1950-59: Anglo American Defense Policies in the Middle East, 1950-59 (Cass Series--Military History and Policy)
EAN 9780714656410 182.48 USD -
Hornets Over Kuwait
EAN 9781557508355 34.95 USD -
F-117 Nighthawk
EAN 9780760305850 29.95 USD -
Armies of the Gulf War (Elite)
EAN 9781855322776 18.95 USD -
Iraqi Perspectives Report: Saddam"s Senior Leadership on Operation Iraqi Freedom from the Official U.S. Joint Forces Command Report
EAN 9781591144571 15.95 USD -
The Ziploc War
EAN 9780741419552 14.84 USD -
Desert Storm: A Forgotten War
EAN 9780275963200 35.46 USD -
Friendly Fire – The Accidental Shootdown of U.S. Black Hawks over Northern Iraq
EAN 9780691095189 46.22 USD -
Life: The War in Iraq
EAN 9781932273137 25.56 USD -
Encyclopedia of the Persian Gulf War
EAN 9780786441037 43.88 USD -
AH-1 Cobra in action - Aircraft No. 168
EAN 9780897473828 14.95 USD -
An American in the Basement: The Betrayal of Captain Scott Speicher and the Cover-up of His Death
EAN 9781937584207 17.17 USD