Метка - Human Resources & Personnel Management
Добейся максимума. Сильные стороны сотрудников на службе бизнеса2 0
EAN 9785961412581 13.28 USD -
Все отлично! Пять элементов благополучия1 0
EAN 9785961414349 10.02 USD -
Carrots and Sticks Don"t Work: Build a Culture of Employee Engagement with the Principles of Respect
EAN 9780071714013 15.90 USD -
Муза не придет. Правда и мифы о том, как рождаются гениальные идеи
EAN 9781118611142 16.59 USD -
The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization
EAN 9780385472562 35.88 USD -
Skill With People
EAN 9780961641603 5.69 USD -
1501 Ways to Reward Employees
EAN 9780761168782 14.06 USD -
Organizational Behavior (15th Edition)
EAN 9780132834872 220.57 USD -
EAN 9780078029493 241.80 USD -
Organizational Behavior
EAN 9780078112645 207.53 USD -
Human Resource Management
EAN 9780078029127 238.72 USD -
Employee Training & Development
EAN 9780073530345 130.32 USD -
Managing Human Resources
EAN 9780324593310 282.95 USD -
Experience-Driven Leader Development: Models, Tools, Best Practices, and Advice for On-the-Job Development (J-B CCL (Center for Creative Leadership))
EAN 9781118458075 86.58 USD