Метка - Experimental Psychology
Psychology of Time
EAN 9780080469775 79.65 USD -
Behavioral Statistics in Action
EAN 9780078040337 -
Introduction to Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback
EAN 9780123745347 101.78 USD -
Living with Joy: Keys to Personal Power and Spiritual Transformation
EAN 9780915811038 12.95 USD -
Was Jonestown a CIA Medical Experiment? a Review of the Evidence
EAN 9780773408128 88.51 USD -
Personal Power Through Awareness: A Guidebook for Sensitive People (Book II of the Earth Life Series)
EAN 9780915811045 11.41 USD -
Cognition, Brain, and Consciousness
EAN 9780123750709 81.52 USD -
Experimental Methodology, 10th Edition
EAN 9780205484737 152.40 USD -
The Search for Bridey Murphy
EAN 9780385260039 18.57 USD -
The Nature of Happiness
EAN 9781904435570 9.46 USD -
Emotional Intelligence: An International Handbook
EAN 9780889372832 58.07 USD -
Elementary Statistics for Psychology Students
EAN 9780070290174 169.50 USD -
Sleep Talking: Psychology and Psychophysiology
EAN 9780898590319 127.86 USD -
The Art of Thinking
EAN 9780425183229 12.79 USD