Метка - Espionage
Farewell: The Greatest Spy Story of the Twentieth Century
EAN 9781611090260 11.46 USD -
Cases in Intelligence Analysis: Structured Analytic Techniques in Action
EAN 9781608716814 52.84 USD -
The Art of Betrayal: The Secret History of MI6: Life and Death in the British Secret Service
EAN 9781605983981 28.48 USD -
Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA, 1981-1987
EAN 9780743274036 16.02 USD -
The Spy Who Saved the World: How a Soviet Colonel Changed the Course of the Cold War
EAN 9780684190686 25.00 USD -
[(Don"t Look Behind You:)] [by: Ann Rule]
EAN 9781451641080 7.59 USD -
Drugs, Oil, and War: The United States in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Indochina (War and Peace Library)
EAN 9780742525221 26.95 USD -
Intelligence and Surprise Attack: Failure and Success from Pearl Harbor to 9/11 and Beyond
EAN 9781589019980 28.12 USD -
The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control: The Secret History of the Behavioral Sciences
EAN 9780393307948 20.45 USD -
Spy: The Inside Story of How the FBI\"s Robert Hanssen Betrayed America
EAN 9780375758942 14.42 USD -
Blinking Red: Crisis and Compromise in American Intelligence after 9/11
EAN 9781612346151 26.07 USD -
Theremin: Ether Music and Espionage (Music in American Life)
EAN 9780252072758 23.66 USD -
The Central Intelligence Agency: Security under Scrutiny (Understanding Our Government)
EAN 9780313332821 76.97 USD -
Justice Denied - Bermuda’s Black Militants, the “Third Man,” and the Assassinations of a Police Chief and Governor
EAN 9780985244040 21.80 USD