Метка - Entertainment
Entertainment, Media, and the Law: Text, Cases, and Problems (American Casebooks)
EAN 9780314907448 186.99 USD -
Music: The Business
EAN 9780753539583 42.14 USD -
McNae"s Essential Law for Journalists
EAN 9780199211548 65.00 USD -
They Fought the Law : Rock Music Goes to Court
EAN 9780028647319 25.00 USD -
America\"s Toughest Sheriff: How We Can Win the War Against Crime
EAN 9781565302020 22.95 USD -
Kirsch\"s Guide to the Book Contract: For Authors, Publishers, Editors, and Agents
EAN 9780918226358 19.95 USD -
The Permission Seeker\"s Guide Through the Legal Jungle: Clearing Copyrights, Trademarks and Other Rights for Entertainment and Media Productions (Guide Through the Legal Jungle)
EAN 9780967294018 19.08 USD -
Making It in the Music Business: The Business and Legal Guide for Songwriters and Performers
EAN 9781581153170 22.41 USD -
Music Is Your Business: The Musician"s Forefront Strategy for Success
EAN 9780974342030 39.95 USD -
Art Law and Transactions (Carolina Academic Press Law Casebook Series)
EAN 9781594607738 71.89 USD -
Lawyers in Your Living Room!: Law on Television
EAN 9781604423280 22.03 USD -
Secrets of Negotiating a Record Contract (Updated / Revised) (Paperback)
EAN 9781423484486 18.32 USD -
Hollywood Dealmaking: Negotiating Talent Agreements for Film, TV and New Media, Second Edition
EAN 9781581156713 21.96 USD -
Media Regulation: Governance and the Interests of Citizens and Consumers
EAN 9780857025708 38.28 USD