Метка - Математический анализ. Функциональный анализ
HF-LPME of hydrochlorothiazide based on using ionic carrier
EAN 9783659507007 51.26 USD -
Proper Satisfaction in Bank
EAN 9783659474040 78.30 USD -
Soy Food Analysis: Analytical and Molecular Approach
EAN 9783659460883 110.90 USD -
Analysis of benzodiazepines
EAN 9783659489419 50.76 USD -
Analysis and Design of Reflectarrays/Transmitarrays Antennas
EAN 9783659487279 104.33 USD -
Consumption of Milk and Milk Products in Tripura
EAN 9783659465833 77.30 USD -
RF-MEMS: A Technological Aspect
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A New Trend of Knowledge Discovery Toward Intelligent Data Analysis
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QRAM Qualitative Occupational Safety Risk Assessment Model
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Validating Sub-sea gas pipeline leaks discharge model for Arabian Sea
EAN 9783659331237 67.89 USD -
Mergers & Acquisitions In Indian Banking Sector
EAN 9783659334061 67.39 USD -
Fundamental Domains and the Riemann Hypothesis
EAN 9783659314933 80.51 USD -
Maritime Security Challanges
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Departed Time Compensators for Stable Processes
EAN 9783659314506 80.51 USD