Метка - CMP
Predictive Dialing Fundamentals
EAN 9780936648804 46.67 USD -
Customer Service Over the Phone
EAN 9781578200467 28.36 USD -
Digital Audio Processing
EAN 9780879305666 126.67 USD -
Math Toolkit for Real-Time Programming
EAN 9781929629091 76.56 USD -
Designing with FPGAs and CPLDs
EAN 9781578201129 70.13 USD -
Visual C++ MFC Programming by Example
EAN 9780879305444 114.17 USD -
VC++ MFC Extensions by Example
EAN 9780879305888 89.06 USD -
Embedded Control Systems in C/C++
EAN 9781578201273 76.32 USD -
3D Modeling in AutoCAD
EAN 9781578200917 126.67 USD -
RPC for NT Building
EAN 9780879304508 99.89 USD -
The Telecom Handbook
EAN 9781578200719 59.38 USD -
The Complete Guide to Customer Support
EAN 9781578200979 58.38 USD -
Logistics and Fulfillment for e-business
EAN 9781578200740 61.15 USD -
Windows Assembly Language and Systems Programming
EAN 9780879304744 73.66 USD