Метка - art, photography & design
New Digital Media and Learning as an Emerging Area and Worked Examples As One Way Forward
EAN 9780262513692 14.36 USD -
Architecture of Alexandria and Egypt
EAN 9780300170948 55.37 USD -
сер./30,000 YEARS OF ART авт.Phaidon editors англ
EAN 9780714847894 32.94 USD -
John Singer Sargents Triumph of Religion at the Boston Public – Creation and Restoration
EAN 9780300122909 63.20 USD -
The Steins Collect – Matisse, Picasso, and the Parisian Avant–Garde
EAN 9780300169416 64.26 USD -
Turkmem Silver – Jewelry and Ornaments from the Marshall and Marilyn Wolf Collection
EAN 9780300124040 57.54 USD -
The Print in Early Modern England – An His Oversight
EAN 9780300136975 76.75 USD -
Photographs of Homer Page – The Gruggenheim Year – New York 1949–1950
EAN 9780300154436 46.39 USD -
Lyonel Feininger: At the Edge of the World
EAN 9780300168464 51.88 USD -
сер./Bye Bye Kitty!!! авт. англ.
EAN 9780300166903 34.52 USD -
Traces of the Calligrapher – Islamic Calligraphy in Practice, c. 1600–1900
EAN 9780300126327 21.86 USD -
сер./Katsura авт. англ.
EAN 9780300163339 41.32 USD -
сер.CL/DALI авт.Christopher Masters англ
EAN 9780714833385 19.13 USD -
сер.CL/ERNST авт.Ian Turpin англ
EAN 9780714828664 10.71 USD