Издатель - I.B.Tauris
A Short History of the Spanish Civil War
EAN 9781848856585 23.35 USD -
The Battle That Shook Europe: Poltava and the Birth of the Russian Empire
EAN 9781860648472 19.35 USD -
The Diplomacy of Hope: The United Nations since the Cold War
EAN 9781850434580 30.00 USD -
Modern Afghanistan: History of Struggle and Survival
EAN 9781845113162 21.99 USD -
Ahmadinejad: The Secret History of Iran"s Radical Leader
EAN 9781845116361 14.39 USD -
A Short History of Transatlantic Slavery
EAN 9781780763873 17.27 USD -
The Doctor"s Monsters. Meanings of the Monstrous in Doctor Who
EAN 9781848851788 24.95 USD -
Vincent Van Gogh. The Years in France: Complete Paintings 1886-1890
EAN 9781781300190 100.00 USD -
Cinema and Soviet Society. From the Revolution to the Death of Stalin
EAN 9781860645686 35.00 USD -
Reaching for the Stars. A New History of Bomber Command in World War II
EAN 9781860648052 29.00 USD -
A Short History of American Revolutionary War
EAN 9781848858138 12.98 USD -
One Hundred Years of Socialism: West European Left in Twentieth Century
EAN 9781780767611 26.88 USD -
The Strong man. Vladimir Putin and the Struggle for Russia
EAN 9781780765044 19.16 USD -
Hitler"s Vienna. A Portrait of the Tyrant as a Young Man
EAN 9781848852778 18.73 USD