Издатель - Edwin Mellen Pr
EAN 9780773456976 184.83 USD -
EAN 9780773452503 174.01 USD -
A Literary Examination of the Function of Satire in the Mispat Hammelek of I Samuel 8
EAN 9780773453111 236.24 USD -
EAN 9780773453166 135.75 USD -
Defining Music: An Ethnomusicological and Philosophical Approach
EAN 9780773453852 177.16 USD -
How Political Singers Facilitated the Spanish Transition to Democracy, 1960-1982: The Cultural Construction of a New Identity
EAN 9780773454170 161.11 USD -
Academic Novels As Satire: Critical Studies of an Emerging Genre
EAN 9780773454187 146.24 USD -
The Cinematic Art of Eliseo Subiela, Argentine Filmmaker
EAN 9780773454286 171.46 USD -
Bibliography of Twentieth - and Twenty-First Century Works for Voice, Horn, and Piano
EAN 9780773455016 123.10 USD -
EAN 9780773456952 249.25 USD