Издатель - Harvard Business Press
Winning in Emerging Markets: A Road Map for Strategy and Execution
EAN 9781422166956 20.64 USD -
Comprehensive Intellectual Capital Management: Step-by-Step
EAN 9780875843674 27.07 USD -
The Power of Positive Deviance: How Unlikely Innovators Solve the World"s Toughest Problems
EAN 9781422110669 23.16 USD -
Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead with Emotional Intelligence
EAN 9781591391845 24.37 USD -
Harvard Business Essentials: Performance Management: Manage and Improve the Effectiveness of Your Employees
EAN 9781591398424 18.83 USD -
Presentations That Persuade and Motivate
EAN 9781591393498 25.38 USD -
Peak Performance: Aligning the Hearts and Minds of Your Employees
EAN 9780875849362 35.27 USD -
Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating And Profiting from Technology
EAN 9781422102831 22.75 USD -
The Monk and the Riddle: The Art of Creating a Life While Making a Living
EAN 9781578516445 17.53 USD -
Learning in Action: A Guide to Putting the Learning Organization to Work
EAN 9781591391906 25.22 USD -
Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology
EAN 9781578518371 46.12 USD -
The Social Life of Information
EAN 9780875847627 35.38 USD -
The New Deal at Work: Managing the Market-Driven Workforce
EAN 9780875846682 35.01 USD -
How I Learned to Let My Workers Lead
EAN 9781422138458 7.57 USD