Издатель - Focal Press
Elsevier Stop Motion: Craft Skills for Model Animation
EAN 9780240520551 22.60 USD -
Pinhole Photography: From Historic Technique to Digital Application
EAN 9780240810478 21.68 USD -
Analog Synthesizers: Understanding, Performing, Buying (+ CD-ROM)
EAN 9780240520728 36.91 USD -
Art and Design in Photoshop (+ CD-ROM)
EAN 9780240811093 36.96 USD -
Digital Photography Best Practices and Workflow Handbook: A Guide to Staying Ahead of the Workflow Curve
EAN 9780240810959 21.23 USD -
VFX Artistry: A Visual Tour of How the Studios Create Their Magic
EAN 9780240811628 16.14 USD -
Flash + After Effects: Add Broadcast Features to Your Flash Designs
EAN 9780240813516 32.80 USD -
Elsevier Painter 11 for Photographers
EAN 9780240521237 41.22 USD -
Elsevier CINEMA 4D 11 Workshop
EAN 9780240811956 28.87 USD -
Flash Advertising: Flash Platform Development of Microsites, Advergames and Branded Applications
EAN 9780240813455 37.22 USD -
Elsevier Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 for Photographers
EAN 9780240521893 40.15 USD -
Elsevier Final Cut Pro 7 KeyGuide
EAN 9780240813226 12.97 USD -
Elsevier Small Signal Audio Design
EAN 9780240521770 52.25 USD -
Compression for Great Video and Audio: Master Tips and Common Sense
EAN 9780240812137 30.50 USD