Felix Novikov: Architect of the Soviet Modernism
Цена 35.48 USD
This book presents life and work of prominent architect and publicist Felix Novikov who first coined the term "Soviet modernism", which refers to the third, concluding period (1955-1985) of Soviet architecture. In 2010 the same term gave title to Novikov"s book Soviet Modernism 1955-1985. Ever since, the name has been accepted within the profession so that Soviet modernism is now referred to as a distinctive and cohesive architectural movement. Felix Novikov is the author of Moscow Palace of Pioneers, architectural complexes in Zelenograd, the USSR Embassy in Mauritania, designs of main tourist centers in Samarkand and Bukhara, and of many books, including Formula of Architecture, Architects and Architecture, Letters on Architecture, as well as other projects and structures and numerous articles in periodicals on literature and architecture.