Handy-Book For Licensed Victuallers, Brewers, Wine Retailers, Beer And Refreshment House Keepers, And Post Masters, Including The Public House Closing Act, 1864, With Instructions For Beginners And An Appendix Of Useful Forms
Цена 43.95 USD
The chief aim of this little work is to give a popular analysis of the laws which regulate and relate to the trade of that large section of the community known under the technical designation of 'licensed victuallers'. Containing a wealth of important information and handy tips on running a brewery or an inn, this text – although old – still contains much that will be of value to those interested in such endeavours and is not to be missed. The chapters of this book include: 'Duties Payable by Brewers', 'Stamp Duties', 'Taxes', 'Matters Common to all Householders as well as to Innkeepers', 'Covenants of Leases', 'Waste and Repair', 'Rent', 'Distraint', 'Fixtures', 'Insurance – Fire', 'Servants', and more. Originally published in 1864, we are proud to republish this antique book complete with a new introduction on the subject.