From Passion to Peace

Цена 10.53 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781612031255


Страниц 42

Год выпуска 2011

Форма выпуска 152x220

"The First Three Parts of this book, Passion, Aspiration, and Temptation, represent the common human life, with its passion, pathos, and tragedy. The last three parts, Transcendence, Beatitude, and Peace, represents the Divine Life-calm, wise and beautiful-of the sage and Savior. The middle part, Transmutation, is the transitional stage between the two; it is the alchemic process linking the divine with the human life. Discipline, denial, and renunciation do not constitute the Divine State; they are only the means by which it is attained. The Divine Life is established in that Perfect Knowledge which bestows Perfect Peace."James Allen was a British philosophical writer known for his inspirational books and poetry and as a pioneer of self-help movement. Allen's practical philosophy for successful living has awakened millions to the discovery that "they themselves are makers of themselves". Allen insists that it is within the power of each person to form his own character and create his own happiness.