Aviaries and Appliances - A Guide for People Looking to Buy Aviaries for their Birds
Цена 26.80 USD
This book contains a comprehensive handbook for the designing and construction of bird aviaries. It was written with the intention of making this text of equal value to the wealthy and ambitious bird-keeper and those with a more modest budget and designs. The perfect guide for prospective aviary builders, this handbook contains a wealth of easy to follow instructions, helpful tips, and detailed photographs and illustrations. Chapters contained herein include: 'Ventilation', 'Double-decker Arrangement', 'Provision for Show Cages', 'Sectional Structures', 'Good Ventilation Essential', 'Steady Temperature', 'Building Materials', 'Nest Boxes', 'Variety in Design', 'Hens Know Their Job', 'Cardboard Nest Boxes', and 'Seed hoppers'. We are proud to republish this antique text with a new introduction to ornithology.