Waiting on God. A 31 day journey into God"s Word on prayer and waiting on God

Цена 11.40 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780578572222


Страниц 154

Год выпуска 2019

Форма выпуска 135x200

123 years after Andrew Murray first published “Waiting on God” in 1896, fellow South African, Colin Millar, brings a fresh charge to this relational and foundational practice of the Christian faith.Over the past year hundreds of people have read, learnt, grown but most importantly PRACTICED this simple, but not easy, art and discipline of Waiting on God. As many people responded to the call of God to wait on Him, several things have become very apparent: Many are encountering the simple yet overwhelming joy and peace of our Father to a hugely greater extent than ever and report walking in a personal love relationship with God. Others are hearing and acting on an ever clearer whisper of His voice in their hearts. He is even giving some answers to prayers they have never even prayed.These words are from Andrew Murray: "I send forth these meditations; I can only cast them on the love of my brethren, and of our God. May He use them to draw us all to Himself, to learn in practice and experience the blessed art of WAITING ONLY UPON GOD. Would God that we might get some right conception of what the influence would be of a life given, not in thought, or imagination, or effort, but in the power of the Holy Spirit, wholly to waiting upon God." Colin has taken another of Andrew Murray’s quotes: “A minister has no more solemn duty than to teach people to wait upon God” literally and has taught, challenged and invited over 500 people to the practice of Waiting on God. Leaving each...