To Understand the Bible Look for Jesus. The Bible Student"s Guide to the Bible"s Central Theme

Цена 23.48 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781592440450


Страниц 130

Год выпуска 2002

Synopsis:Believing the fundamental Christian claim that the purpose of the Bible is to present the Savior, Geisler focuses on Christ as the unity and unfolding message of the whole of Scripture. Christ is the tie between the Testaments, the content of the canon, and the unifying theme within each book of the Bible.This book is basic to both Bible study and preaching and serves as an excellent guide to the Bible's central theme. It encompasses far more than a study of types and the Old Testament prophecies. Each chapter takes seriously the affirmation of Jesus: "Everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled" (Luke 24:44).Related to Geisler's central thrust - that Christ is the clue to the whole Bible - is the clear assertion concerning the inspiration of Scripture and the deity of Christ. Chapter topics include: (1) Christ Is the Key to the Bible; (2) Christ in the Old Testament; (3) Christ in Both Testaments; (4) Christ in Every Section of the Bible; (5) Christ in Each Book of the Bible; (6) The Word of God; Personal and Propositional. Also included are a bibliography, subject index, and Scripture index.Author Biography:Dr. Norman Geisler is author or coauthor of some fifty books and hundreds of articles. He has taught at the university and graduate level for nearly forty years and has spoken or debated in all fifty states and in twenty-five countries. He holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from Loyola University and...