For Christ and His Kingdom

Цена 9.13 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781573834551

Страниц 80

Год выпуска 2013

The first National Forum on Christian Higher Education took place at the King's University College in Edmonton in May 2012. The theme for the forum was "For Christ and His Kingdom: Inspiring a New Generation." The opening and closing plenary addresses by Bruce Hindmarsh and Dr. James Houston, both from Regent College, served as bookends that provided the context for the forum and the other plenary sessions.In this publication of their addresses, Dr. Hindmarsh presents the need for intellectual and spiritual integrity as essential to paradosis, the transmission of a living faith to the next generation, while Dr. Houston provides a compelling case for a fulsome theological understanding of the person in Christ as intrinsic to an authentic Christian education that avoids the reductionism of secular viewpoints.