Who Really Killed Nicole Brown Simpson
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The Republican Revolution of 1994 is the wicked seed that killed Nicole Brown Simpson. This seed was planted to produce a hostile, racial climate in America in order to repeal Affirmative Action Legislation that advanced African-Americans and other minorities since the Civil Rights Movement of 1964. Advancements such as higher education, college admissions, and equal employment opportunities had begun to accelerate the extinction of the Political White Man, causing him to become an “Angry White Male.” According to the Center for American Progress, the minority is slated to become the majority by 2043.In his efforts to continue the Civil War with the hopes that the South would rise again, the fight moved from the physical arena (plantation fields of Alabama) to the political arena (courthouses and elected conservative officials across the country). Beginning with the burning of black churches in Alabama and using O. J. Simpson as the scapegoat for the horrific murder of an innocent white woman, who was considered expendable because she allowed herself to have intimate, sexual relations with a black slave, was to serve two purposes:Create a hostile, racial, and political anti-black and anti-democratic climate in America.Capture the largest voting bloc (the white woman) by turning her against the black man (O. J. Simpson) and African-Americans to ultimately elect a majority Republican House, Senate, and president to repeal Affirmative Action Legislation.The contentious trial to ...