The Christening Quest

Цена 18.05 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781619502604

Страниц 248

Год выпуска 2015

Форма выпуска 152x220

Book Four of the Songs from the Seashell ArchivesGoing on a quest with a handsome prince might sound like a dream, but Prince Rupert's cousin Carole comes to feel it isn't all it's cracked up to be. Carole agrees to accompany her hunky cousin to Miragenia to christen his baby niece. But it is really hard to even explain the situation to anyone; how the little Princess was stolen from her mother's side by Miragenians who demanded fifteen years of the first-born's life in exchange for a bit of help during wartime. Or how the baby was taken before magical christening gifts could be bestowed upon her for her protection and character development. The ladies surrounding Rupert (also known as Rowan the Romantic and Rowan the Rake) don't care about some baby and don't hear anything about the mission because they're too busy sighing over him. Crowd control is an obvious problem, as is extricating Rupert from more than one involuntary engagement. When at last the two, with the help of dubious questing companions including a love-stricken pink and purple dragon, arrive at the theocracy of Gorequartz where the baby had been fostered out to a queen, they find themselves in trouble of a completely different complexion. Their most deadly nemesis is none other than a giant crystal "god" seemingly created in Rupert's own image!