The Fuller Children Chronicles. The Otherworld Children

Цена 13.15 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781291875300


Страниц 178

Год выпуска 2014

Форма выпуска 148x210

A collection of interlinked stories inspired by and inloving memory of Ceri, Sam, Becca and Charlie Fuller.Join the kids as they embark on wonderful adventuresthat take them to a magical realm they never knewexisted but have always been a part of.Each Fuller child has their own individual tale beforethey must work together in a final adventure in which thefate of a world rests on their shoulders.Charlie enters a horse race in order to save her goodfriend's stables from closing. However, her horse is notwhat he appears to be and is sought after by amysterious man.Sam must solve puzzle after puzzle whilst investigating acrime. A case that leads him to make discoveries henever could have expected.Becca falls into a magical tale and aboard a very specialship which she must lead back to its own world.Finally, the kids travel to a once wonderful world thathas been enslaved. To save it, they must battle an army,overcome extraordinary odds and fulfil a legendaryprophecy.