Lanes End. A Journey Into the Paranormal

Цена 12.80 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780692775844


Страниц 264

Odessa Kearney struggles to redefine herself while she navigates the highways of the American West. Reborn as an over-the-road trucker but still grappling with a growing estrangement from her husband, she is brazenly taken while stopped along the road to Albuerquque. FBI Agent Sam Buscella is defied time and again by the supernatural power of the kidnapper who is slowly transforming his victim. Will Sam be able to set her free to do what she was born to do? Or in order to do it, will she have to die first? Follow this extraordinary woman's journey as it detours throught abduction, murder, and an unimaginable form of corporate espionage played out in the shadowy realm of the paranormal. Find out why and how ghosts really exist, and what they can still teach us long after they have been formed. Odessa characterizes the most current thinking about the afterlife, including those who have successfully passed to the Other Side, and those earthbound spirits still stuck with us mortals! She tells the reader something of universal importance: when we die we can still have an influence on those we leave behind based on things we will learn . . . things we could not have known when we were alive . . . knowledge and wisdom that we can pass on to the rest of humanity.