7 Successful Stock Market Strategies. Using Market Valuation and Momentum Systems to Generate High Long-Term Returns

Цена 55.33 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780857194626


Страниц 174

Год выпуска 2015

7 strategies with historic annual returns ranging from 9.2% to 36.9% For the UK investor, the long-term benefits of investing in the stock market are clear. Over the long term - ten years upwards - equities have delivered higher returns than any other non-physical UK asset class. Those investing for the long term, whether for a pension pot, to meet a future financial demand, or simply to produce a safety net in case of unforeseen events, should put their money to work in the stock market. Many people regard stock market investment as excessively risky, requiring too much effort, and being beyond their comprehension. However, none of these need to be the case. In this easy-to-follow and practical guide, Glenn Martin introduces investors to seven stock market index investment strategies. These strategies can be followed by any investor with the willingness to adopt a systematic approach, accept short-term risk in exchange for long-term rewards, and spend up to an hour each week. The seven strategies are suitable for investors who wish to take on varying levels of risk. For those who want to commit the minimum of time and take on less risk, there are two passive buy-and-hold strategies for the FTSE 100 and FTSE 250. Those wanting to commit a little more effort and take on higher risk - with the potential for higher rewards - will find strategies that describe how to use a proven Stock Market Valuation System and a Market Momentum System to time when to invest in the stock market...