Make Money with Your Truck
Цена 32.40 USD
It doesn't matter if true unemployment figures are skyrocketing or if more andmore Americans are on government assistance and food stamps. There are ways tomake it even in this recession and all it takes is someone with a little bit of imagination, a "can-do" attitude......and a basic pickup truck.From food vendors to couriers, from landscapers to small movers, from mobilebillboards to backyard farm suppliers, people and their trucks are making a living and not just surviving, but thriving with their businesses. They're finding that the financial uncertainty of working for someone else is giving way to the economic freedom of owning their own businesses and creating financial security for themselves and their families.All you need is an independent spirit, a willingness to get off the couch and out from in front of the television set, a few supplies, and a truck to get you started on the path to financial security.