Chakras For Beginners. The Ultimate Guide on How to Balance Chakras, Improve Spiritual and Emotional Health, Strengthen Aura, Chakras Meditation Practice

Цена 10.18 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781681857466


Страниц 36

Год выпуска 2015

Форма выпуска 152x220

Chakras are energy helms of light that actually receive, accomplish, regulate and emit energy. They always attach the emotional, physical and divine energy within you to the divine and higher-dimensional loveliness around you. From the view of spiritual and healing development, each chakra is a sole and a perfect reflection of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Like discrete and multifaceted computer disks, chakras include a wealth of individual information revealing how you feel, experience, narrate, express and cooperate with yourself, others and also the world around you.