Options Trading For Beginners. Tips, Formulas and Strategies For Traders to Make Money with Options

Цена 9.48 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781682121580


Страниц 36

Год выпуска 2015

Форма выпуска 152x220

You must have seen it on television commercials or full page adverts in newspapers and journals or have been emailed by someone regarding "get rich quick" promises. All one is required is to have some stated amount of dollars and attend some conference. Rub off this notion since it is not the best way to learn about the benefits of trading in options. Options trading is a difficult subject when compared with other forms of investment, for instance stocks. And there is a good number of potential investors who need to acquire more information before getting involved in trading options. This book can help you to get such information.