Hi Mom, Did You Miss Me?

Цена 13.15 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781632323231


Страниц 152

Год выпуска 2015

Форма выпуска 152x220

Joseph Roush was nearly six years of age when he found that he would be housed in The Montana State Children's home along with four hundred other youngsters. What could he do? What would you do in this situation? He dedicated himself to the task of locating his mother and putting his family back together. He would somehow record everything that would happen to him to share with his mother when they were reunited once again. He knew this could be a long and difficult journey, but he had no idea just how long and difficult it would be. Joseph's journal should provide some insight into the influence good folks can have over those who face unfortunate events in their lives. Perhaps his experiences both good and bad might give hope to those without hope and direction to the lost.