
Цена 19.80 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781904614098

Страниц 144

Год выпуска 2006

A new collection by the Slovenian poet, Tomaz Salamun, is always eagerly awaited, and 'Row' shows this popular and distinctive poet at the height of his powers. Translated by the American poet Joshua Beckman and the author, and presented as a bilingual edition (with Slovenian and English texts on facing pages), these are instinctive, sensory poems, poems of great power and surprise; each phrase, no matter how unexpected or surreal, has a deliberate force and a convincing relevance. Salamun is a mysterious and enigmatic poet - he takes risks, and with wit and wonder, he renews our familiar world again and again.This volume, which opens with a short preface by the translator, Joshua Beckman, forms part of the 'Arc Translations' series, edited by Dr. Jean Boase-Beier of the University of East Anglia (UK).