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----Henri Bergson is the author of numerous works includingMatter and Memory, Creative Evolution and Time and Free Will.His work has been influential for many thinkers such as WalterBenjamin, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Gilles Deleuze.----Drew Burk is a graduate and technical director at the EuropeanGraduate School. He is the translator of such philosophers asJean Baudrillard, Jacques Derrida and Paul Virilio.----What does laughter mean? What is the fundamental element ofthe laughable? What common ground can be found between thegrimace of a clown, a play on words, a similar situation in aburlesque and a scene of high comedy? What method of distillationwill invariably yield us the same essence from which so manydifferent products borrow either their obtrusive odor or theirdelicate perfume? The greatest of thinkers, from Aristotle on down,have tackled this tiny problem, which has a knack of baffling everyeffort, of slipping away, escaping only to pop up again, as a livelychallenge to philosophical speculation.