Parrot & Co. by Harold MacGrath, Fiction, Classics, Action & Adventure

Цена 17.70 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781603125369


Страниц 140

Год выпуска 2008

Форма выпуска 152x220

Warrington faced his darkest moments, that day in Jaipur. Why should he go on? Why should he should keep struggling, day after day? Then he saw the man at the railway station with the performing parrot named Rajah. After hours of haggling, Warrington obtained for himself a companion -- a strange one, who would keep him company for years to come -- and who would teach him lessons in persistence against odds.Yet Warrington remained a stranger, to those around him -- and in Rangoon acquireed the strangest of epithets. The natives referred to him as The Man Who Never Talks of Home. But suddenly the pendulum of fortune swings in his favor . . . and now he must finally face his own past!