The Island Queen by R.M. Ballantyne, Fiction, Action & Adventure

Цена 19.45 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781606643228


Страниц 136

Год выпуска 2009

Форма выпуска 152x220

CASTAWAYS IN A SEA OF DANGER!Pauline, Otto, and Dominick were children cast into the wild South Sea's ocean. The brave Rigonda family of England, however, clung to life on their lifeboat despite the demise of the rest of the castaways, searching weakly for a sail in the distance. Instead, they found a dead ship, wrecked on a reef. And the reef, most fortunately, was by an island. They were castaways, little Robinson Crusoes on an exotic volcanic South Seas Island. But they were not long alone, for another ship in trouble reached the island, filled with odd men and trouble. However, such was Pauline's talent that she bonded them into a new government for the island. And Pauline became . . . The Island Queen. But then . . . the volcano blew up! From the pen of a Victorian adventure writer without peer, R.M. Ballantyne, comes a tale of lost children you will never forget.