The Story of .You.

Цена 20.33 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781999354114


Страниц 332

Форма выпуска 152x220

Life Beyond Personality Series OverviewLife Beyond Personality is a series of two practical, accessible books on the subject of Non–Duality: The Story of ‘You’ and The Infinite Journey. They take the reader behind the spiritual jargon into the heart of all the difficult, confusing and often unanswered questions about what it means to wake up from the ‘Dream of Personality’. What is the Dream of Personality?We enter this world as the experience of Oneness or Being, but we lose our perception of this natural state as we grow up and become identified with our Personality. The Personality creates its own dream from the deep-seated beliefs and emotions it harbours, a dream that can be full of emotional distress, over-thinking and the investment in a future which never quite delivers on the promise that ‘When I get this I’ll be happy.’The Story of ‘You’ proposes that, as an adult, it’s possible to wake up out of this dream and return to the experience of the natural state. When that happens a whole new adventure begins in a life beyond Personality. The Story of ‘You’ explores how this is possible, and the effect it has on the life that is lived. It unfolds as a series of discussions between Jez Alborough and his friend Matthew, whose probing questions and very human responses enable Jez to explore this subject fully, confronting all the difficult, practical areas that arise. The series builds into a map, as each chapter gives vital information needed to continue onwards into the ad...