Understanding Islam

Цена 42.90 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781910524831


Страниц 310

Understanding Islam’s view that, in spite of its appearance of having many internal divisions, the world of Islam understands only one enemy: its own civilisation versus all others. Guillaume Faye proposes that there is no difference other than tactical ones between Islam and Islamism. According to Faye, Islam is absolutely incompatible with pluralist democracy, secularism, and the Western conception of freedom. Its purpose is theocracy, and its reign means decline in intelligence. Understanding Islam calls for Westerners to refuse to submit to its values and accept its principles. ‘Christians, especially Catholics, “respect” the Muslim religion nowadays, although this attitude is not mutual (since Christians face persecution in almost all Islamic countries). Islam has always considered Christianity and Judaism to be fraught with lies and errors, which is its right. That the Church should ever praise and respect Islam is a sign of submission, resignation and surrender. This frightful tolerance displayed by Christians towards Islam began with the Second Vatican Council, when the Nostra Aetate declaration expressed a preference for Islam in comparison with non-Christian religions, agnosticism and paganism, whereas Islam has always condemned and rejected Christianity and abhorred Judaism, as confirmed by several Koranic Suras.’ — p. 19‘Islam thus benefits from an exorbitant privilege not only in the public sphere but also in the legal domain. It is the only religion (and ideolog...