One Last Thing. The Untold History Of The Martial Arts Philosophy

Цена 26.10 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781291525403


Страниц 202

Форма выпуска 148x210

* WHAT IF NO BOUNDARIES EXISTED BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH?*What if Bruce Lee were to teach kung-fu to Carl Jung and Dr Who? What if Alan Watts was called to lecture the monks at the Shaolin Temple? What if a certain small Bear could enlighten Krishnamurti as Rocky Balboa could enlighten Marshall Mcluhan? What if Lao Tzu debated productivity with David Allen and Seth Godin, then was called to fight against the copyrighting of Taoism in court?* FACT MERGES WITH FICTON AND DRAMA WITH COMEDY IN THIS NEW HISTORY OF POPULAR CULTURE AND THE MARTIAL ART PHILOSOPHY.