Transcultural Management Dictionary. English - German

Цена 47.28 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9783640803811


Страниц 148

Форма выпуска 148x210

Document from the year 2010 in the subject Communications - Intercultural Communication, , language: English, abstract: This bilingual dictionary of English terms and concepts from the field of intercultural communication and management with their German adaptation is based on extractions from state-of-the-art intercultural literature (see Literature in the annex) and personal investigation. It responds to the needs of students and practitioners in the field. It is by no means meant to be exhaustive, but it rather is work in progress. I have tried to attribute all important concepts to their authors and I sincerely apologize, should anyone have been omitted and request the permission to lay the foundation - on the basis of their myriad contributions - for an intercultural/transcultural terminological resource to benefit the intercultural community and those who are interested in the sustainable management of the 21st century global environment with its myriad cultural challenges.Dieses zweisprachige interkulturelle Referenzwörterbuch mit englisch-deutschem Paralleltext beinhaltet Begriffe und Konzepte aus dem Bereich der interkulturellen Kommunikation und des interkulturellen und transkulturellen Managements. Es repräsentiert die in der maßgeblichen internationalen Literatur, insbesondere der englischsprachigen, verwendeten Fachterminologie, sowie die persönliche Erfahrung des Autors. Jedoch ist diese terminologische Ressource für Interkulturalisten weniger eine umfassende Er...