Space Daze. The History and Mystery of Ambient Electronic Space Rock

Цена 27.15 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781387334131


Страниц 158

Форма выпуска 152x220

In the beginning, there was Space Rock. Not quite in the very beginning, of course; sundry creation myths notwithstanding, nothing springs from absolutely nothing. But Space Rock has been with us 50 years, and it will surely be with us for at least 50 more.To the first Floyd fans, it is ""Astronomy Domine""; to mid-period Gong fans, it is the Flying Teapot trilogy. To the festival faithful, it is ""Uncle Harry's Last Freakout'; to the Hawkwind fans who still flock to see them, it was and is it all.Space Rock embraces all these things; Space Rock thus became all these things. And if the basics are blurred, ask Daevid Allen, Syd Barrett, Tim Blake, Edgar Broughton, Arthur Brown, Can, Robert Calvert, Chrome, the Deviants, Mick Farren, Faust, Edgar Froese, Gong, Jimi Hendrix, Steve Hillage, Kraftwerk, Legendary Pink Dots, Man, Michael Moorcock, Pink Fairies, Popol Vuh, Pressurehed, Quiet Sun, Ramases, Klaus Schulze, Sky Cries Mary, Sphynx, Tangerine Dream, Steve Took, Nik Turner, Twink AND MORE!