Messages in a Bottle. Communications to my Future Self

Цена 23.65 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781936449781


Страниц 142

Форма выпуска 152x220

What if you knew that after death you would live again...What messages would you send to yourself ?This is a book of poetry for people who believe that there is more to life than meets the eye; that wonder lives around every corner, and that the human spirit contains far more resiliency than it’s ever been given credit for."Messages in a Bottle: Communications to My Future Self," is a gripping, life-changing collection of messages from acclaimedpoet, Michael Graves. It spans the gamut of love, death, politics, social upheaval, art, hope, humor, brass-tacks metaphysics, andmore. There is power in these words, and there are valuable lessons in this book.