Daily Reflections

Цена 18.93 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781365183966


Страниц 98

Год выпуска 2017

Форма выпуска 152x220

A collection of inspirations, ideas, thoughts and viewpoints of many areas of life from a Christian viewpoint. Quite often we don't allow ourselves to meditate on the little inspirations that come our way. This book is presented as an occasion for all to put aside the cares of this world and reflect on the things that matter and with in a viewpoint that we all too often dismiss. We have to be honest with ourselves, which is very hard for most to be, but if we don't humble ourselves in the sight of God we will never see things as He does. And, if we don't, our lives will be a spiritual shipwreck. We must learn to see things through God's Eye, and put on the mind of Christ in order to have a proper perspective of the world around us. Take the time to truly meditate on the reflections in this book for many of them reveal more than what initially meets the eye.