Leading Latino Talent to Champion Innovation

Цена 63.73 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781606498002

Страниц 136

Год выпуска 2014

Форма выпуска 152x220

One of the most influential factors of the 21st century isthe Latino community-how the culture views, defines,and helps lead innovation in the United States. But achievingsustainable innovation success is a concept many corporationsstruggle to attain, often the result of too mucheffort directed at processes rather than focusing on thesource of innovation-its human capital.This book helps you realize that innovation emanatesfrom human beings and people view innovation differentlybased on their cultural upbringing. Since the 1980sthe United States Latino population has been on a steadygrowth path that has established this group as the largest"minority" in the country, making this community a significantportion of the U.S. workforce for decades to come.The authors help you learn how to prepare, recruit, andposition knowledge workers with this cultural backgroundto contribute innovation successes to their firms.