Operation Arkansas

Цена 42.90 USD

Originally puiblished in 1967. This historical report on the Army's participation in the enforcement of an order of the Federal District Court at Little Rock Arkansas between 24 September 1957 and 20 May 1958, with regard to integration in the public schools of that city, was originally prepared almost contemporaneously with the events that it covers. It has not been extensively revised since that time. Primarily written from the vantage point of the command post in ODCSOPS (Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations). The essential background story has then been compiled in part from Army records (and in part from newspaper, magazine, and other published material available in 1958). The following topics are addressed in this document: background of the Little Rock school crisis; preparation of contingent plans for the use of federal troops; President's Executive Order and its implementation, 24 September 1957; enforcement of the court order at Little Rock, 25-29 September 1957; the chain of command and the Pentagon organization; preparation for other possible contingencies; the Air National Guard and the question of command channels; the second crisis, 30 September - 3 October 1957; problems in the Arkansas National Guard; the first reduction plan, 4-15 October 1957; release and adjustments in the Arkansas National Guard, 15-23 October 1957; reduction in operations and the second reduction in force, 23 October - 9 November 1957; withdrawal of the last airborn...