My Opinions and Betsey Bobbet.s; Designed as a Beacon Light, to Guide Women to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, But Which May Be Read by M

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781230318592


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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1880 edition. Excerpt: ...I thought it was not my place-so we was obleeged to walk close togatheh, clean through the hall, and as I said to him, afteh I TOO FRAGUILE TO VOTE. 223 had enquired if he did not find it very lonrpome hero, says I, ' It is not whnmin's speah to vote,' and says I, ' do you not think it is woman's nature naturally to be clingin'?' ' I do,' says he, ' Heaven knows I do.' And he leaned back with such a expression of stern despaih on to his classic features, that I knew he felt it strongly. And I said the truth. I do not believe wimmin ought to vote." " Nor I nuther," says Josiah, " she haint got the rekrisite strength to vote, she is too fraguile." Jest at this minute the boy that draws the milk came along, and Josiah, says he to me, " I am in my stockin' feet, Samantha, can't you jest step out and help Thomas Jefferson on with the can?" Says I, " If I am too fraguile to handle a paper vote, Josiah Allen, I am too fraguile to lift 100 and 50 pounds of milk." He didn't say nothin', but he slipped on his rubbers and started out, and Betsey resumed, " It is so revolt-in' to female delicacy to go to the poles and vote; most all of the female ladies that revol...