China. A Country Profile

Цена 28.03 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781312807723

Страниц 44

Год выпуска 2015

Форма выпуска 210x280

Major Cities: Based on 2000 census data, the largest cities are the four centrally administeredmunicipalities, which include dense urban areas, suburbs, and large rural areas: Chongqing (30.5million), Shanghai (16.4 million), Beijing (13.5 million), and Tianjin (9.8 million). Other majorcities are Wuhan (5.1 million), Shenyang (4.8 million), Guangzhou (3.8 million), Chengdu (3.2million), Xi'an (3.1 million), and Changchun (3 million). China has 12 other cities withpopulations of between 2 million and 2.9 million and 20 or more other cities with populations ofmore than 1 million persons.Public Holidays: The official national holidays are New Year's Day (January 1); Spring Festivalor Lunar New Year (movable dates-three days-in January and February), Labor Day (May 1),and National Day (two-day observance on October 1-2). Also commemorated are InternationalWomen's Day (March 8), Youth Day (May 4), Children's Day (June 1), Chinese CommunistParty Founding Day (July 1), Army Day (August 1)