Torah Gematria of the Set-Apart Spirit - In Slave Ships From Africa Into The Islands Of The Gentiles

Цена 19.45 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781329296855


Страниц 228

Год выпуска 2015

Форма выпуска 210x280

Torah Gematria of the Set-Apart Spirit is mind inquiry by the Qnoma, The Set-Apart Spirit of the letters of He, Wow and Yowud to reveal the Hebrew Yisraelites who rejected the Spirit of the Torah from The King Yahuwashe The Lesser Yahuweh their Elohiyem that was given to them by Moshe at Mount Sinai and as result of not listening to the voice of Abba Yahuweh and not doing His Torah, Yahuweh cursed them and sent them into captivity in slave ships from Africa into the isles of the gentiles and specifically into America where they have been oppressed and have been slain for over 400 years under the rule of Ashkenaz of Gomer whose governments have ruled under the authority of Azazel the satan and have polluted the whole earth by the sorceries of the electromagnetism of baphomet. These are the curses when Yisrael disobeys the Torah of Yahuweh.