Mulliner’s Buck-U-Uppo: (Wodehouse Pick-Me-Up)

In the Angler"s Rest, drinking hot scotch and lemon, sits one of Wodehouse"s greatest raconteurs. Mr Mulliner, his vivid imagination lubricated by Miss Postlethwaite the barmaid, has fabulous stories to tell of the extraordinary behaviour of his far-flung family: there’s Cyril, the timid interior designer, who finds himself drunkenly playing "this little piggy" with his beloved"s formidable and angry mother"s toes - how can that possibly end well?! And then there"s Wilfred, who lights on the formula for Buck-U-Uppo, a tonic given to elephants to enable them to face tigers with the necessary nonchalance… Add one of the best Jeeves and Wooster stories and you’ve got a medley of Wodehouse delights in which lunacy and comic exuberance reign supreme.